
UNIMOT News Interest in AVIA brand in Europe is growing

Interest in AVIA brand in Europe is growing


14 European countries belong to AVIA International. Soon new countries will join the Association, also ones from outside the territory of our continent – says Mario Tonini, the Managing Director of AVIA International.

The representative of AVIA International – Mario Tonini visited Poland on 16-17 January this year. During the meeting with the AVIA Poland team the Managing Director of the Association learnt, among others, the details concerning the works and plans of the AVIA brand development in Poland in 2019. In the talks with the representatives of UNIMOT, the company which is responsible for the development of the AVIA chain in our country Mario Tonini outlined the successes and planned activities of AVIA International on present and new markets.

– Year 2018 was very successful for our Association – says Mario Tonini. – First of all, the AVIA chain developed very dynamically among the present partners. According to preliminary estimates at the end of 2018 the AVIA chain included 3120 stations, so the number of stations increased by approx. 50 stations compared to the previous year.

The Managing Director of the Association believes that the present year seems promising.

We receive more and more requests concerning the conditions of accession, the number of applications are only awaiting decisions. In the near future the AVIA brand will appear in next two countries: Ukraine and Mexico. We expect that in 2019 about 60 petrol stations will be launched under the AVIA brand.

Among the success of AVIA International Mario Tonini mentions new solutions that have been recently introduced at the stations.

Selected AVIA stations in France offer the possibility to tank with CNG and LNG. Members of AVIA in Switzerland are being preparing themselves to commence tanking with hydrogen at selected stations and actively cooperate with producers of buses and trucks and public transport companies. Being concerned with the climate AVIA conducts a number of actions that aim at reducing the CO2 emission, among others, through introducing innovative engine and heating products with bio-components, offering natural gas and pellet and making investments into wind and solar energy.

The Association promotes the brand conduct promotional actions on several dimensions, in particular through sports marketing. Partner companies of AVIA sponsor, among others, ski jumping, football, handball, hockey, car rallies, cycling, rugby, rowing, etc. The scope of marketing actions can be observed, among others, during the ski jumping competitions that are presently taking place within the FIS World Cup, where AVIA is the dominant brand.

At present the AVIA chain includes in total 3120 stations, which gives it the 7th position among the biggest petrol station operators in Europe.

The entire conversation with Mario Tonini is available here. 


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