
UNIMOT News UNIMOT will build a network of AVIA fuel stations in Ukraine

UNIMOT will build a network of AVIA fuel stations in Ukraine


UNIMOT S.A., the official partner of AVIA brand in Poland has received an authorization to build a network of AVIA stations in Ukraine. The new franchise contract on the Ukrainian fuel market will be presented in the 1st quarter of 2018.

On 8th November of the current year the Management Board of AVIA International agreed that the AVIA brand will be represented in the territory of Ukraine by UNIMOT. The official decision in this scope was communicated by Mr Adam Sikorski, the President of the Supervisory Board of UNIMOT S.A.

– The fact that UNIMOT has been authorized by AVIA International to represent this organization and its brand in the territory of Ukraine confirms the trust that the Association has placed in us – claims Mr Adam Sikorski, the President of the Supervisory Board of UNIMOT S.A. – We are the youngest member of AVIA International, but we have achieved really much in the scope of developing the AVIA brand in Poland and we are perceived as a company of high competencies in the field of import and trade of liquid fuels.

As Mr Adam Sikorski stresses, the franchise offer on the Ukrainian market will concern only the decoration of the station and marketing actions under the common brand of AVIA, without delivering fuels themselves.

– I would like to assure that UNIMOT will develop the project based on safe principles. We are not going to purchase or build stations in Ukraine. In the 1st quarter of 2018 we will present a franchise offer to the Ukrainian market, which will not generate substantial costs in the budget of UNIMOT. And as the Ukrainian market is very fragmented, we believe that the European brand of AVIA will be warmly welcomed there – adds Mr Adam Sikorski.

It is worth stressing that during the yesterday’s meeting of the members of AVIA International Adam Sikorski was appointed into the Management Board of the Association. In the role of the Member of the Management Board of  AVIA International he will coordinate the programme of common purchases of petroleum products for the needs of several countries. This fact will also have a great impact for the AVIA brand in Poland as well as for UNIMOT, which generates largest revenues on import on wholesale of fuels.

– Improved purchase conditions of AVIA will cause that we will become even a more interesting partner for fuel stations. We will be able to offer better prices of fuel deliveries and naturally increase the purchase power of the Company compared with other suppliers – stresses Mr Adam Sikorski.

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