
UNIMOT News UNIMOT wants to join AVIA INTERNATIONALl, in order to develop retail sales of fuels

UNIMOT wants to join AVIA INTERNATIONALl, in order to develop retail sales of fuels


UNIMOT, a multi-utility capital group, is planning to join AVIA International association, thanks to which it will obtain the right to use the AVIA brand name in Poland. The goal is to develop retail sales of fuels.

The AVIA International association, which gathers operators who manage about 3000 fuel stations in the whole Europe, has decided to accept UNIMOT as a member of the association. Thanks to this UNIMOT will obtain a right to use in Poland the trademark AVIA, recognized in the whole of Europe, at a retail sales of fuels.

The previous model of fuel distribution by UNIMOT consists in supplying fuels mainly to institutional customers, such as transportation companies, public transport authorities. Thanks to the contract with AVIA association, UNIMOT will gain a possibility to gather independent petrol stations under a strong brand and supply fuels directly to petrol station – says Robert Brzozowski, the President of the Board of UNIMOTIn the near future we want to start the process of building a chain of petrol stations under the brand name of AVIA. We will encourage the owners of independent petrol stations to join our AVIA chain. AVIA has been successfully operating in Germany, France, Switzerland, Holland and Spain. Jointly, in the 14 countries of Europe  about 3000 petrol stations operate under the name of AVIA. We believe that this model can be successfully developed in Poland and UNIMOT is an ideal partner for AVIA to carry out this plan – adds Mr Brzozowski.

Joining the AVIA association is another step of UNIMOT aimed at expanding its presence in the area of retail sale of fuels. Recently, the company has announced its plans to launch a mobile application Tankuj24, which makes it possible to buy fuels on-line.

About the AVIA International association

AVIA International is the operating since 1960 association, registered in Switzerland, presently gathering about 90 companies that manage jointly about 3000 petrol stations in the 14 countries of Europe. The association provides the brand name AVIA and ensures support in the scope of marketing, purchases and sales of products at petrol stations. The brand name AVIA is popular in such countries as: Germany (about 840 stations), France (about 710 stations), Switzerland (about 600 stations), Holland (about 310 stations), Spain (about 140 stations). In our part of Europe the chain has become popular in Hungary (over 80 stations) and in Serbia (about 50 stations).

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