
UNIMOT News UNIMOT commenced trading of crude oil

UNIMOT commenced trading of crude oil


UNIMOT S.A., Polish independent importer of fuels has commenced supplies of crude oil to the market of Central Europe. The first part of the product came from the Near East, the second one is just being imported from the USA. The total volume of carried out supplies is 1.2 million of barrels.

UNIMOT, thanks to the experience in importing refinery products to the European markets is also able to conduct trading transactions, the subject of which is crude oil.

– As always we strive to take advantage of the emerging market opportunities. Due to our experience of many years and built for years relations with business partners, currently we are able to effectively carry out trading of another product, creating a new source of income. The American direction is particularly interesting as it is in line with the policy of diversifying supplies of energy raw resources to the countries of Central Europe region – says Mr Adam Sikorski, President of the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A.

UNIMOT has been trading liquid fuels since May 2018 when it purchased about 30 tonnes of petrol for the customer that was one of the largest fuel and chemical concerns.

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