



In early March in Warsaw’s Sheraton hotel took place the third edition of International Conference LPG – Exceptional Energy, held under the honorary patronage of the World LP Gas Association (WLPGA).

 A two-day event gathered a hundred of representatives of international and domestic LPG sector, and several special guests – representatives of government administration. One of the main subjects discussed during the meeting was the future of LPG sector, both in the developed and developing countries.

The whole two-day event contained five thematic sessions, complementing each other, to give participants the broad perspective on the LPG market. The first thematic session – Exceptional times require exceptional energy  – was completely dedicated to analysing Polish LPG market. the Chairman of the Polish LPG Association, Jerzy Szablewski, presented the sector’s economic results for 2013. The Director of Consulting Department of Information Market S.A., Szymon Araszkiewicz, analysed directions of further development of Polish LPG market, depending on few factors such as  – the price ratio of LPG against other fuels, its conversion cost, and also the change, evolution of attitude of the end buyers towards this fuel.

The second session – Different markets, different challenges – gave the broadened, global  perspective on the LPG sector. The exceptional potential of LPG in the countries of totally different market structure has been discussed. Wanjiku Manyara , representing the Petroleum Institute of Eastern Africa presented the Kenyan market,  which priority is to promote LPG as modern fuel for domestic use, replacing firewood in households, thanks to what it will be possible to avoid health problems caused by indoor smoke and excessive deforestation. Suyash Gupta of Indian Auto LPG Coalition referred to India, where a major problem is the wrong ratio of the number of LPG-powered cars against to the amount of autogas sold. As cylinder gas is subsidized by the government and autogas is not, many drivers illegally move gas from cylinders to car tanks, or even mount domestic gas cylinders in vehicles, which compromises safety.

Second day of the Conference was dedicated to  the innovations and exceptional solutions, what can and deserve to be developed by the sector. Przemysław Podgórski of UNIMOT GAZ S.A. got the participants of the session „ The future of autogas” familiarized with the subject of gasodiesel   – a solution being considered as a step towards animation of the autogas market.

During the last session of the day spoke the lecturers, related to the common project – the New Era Propulsion contest. The Communication Director of the World LP Gas Association (WLPGA), Alison Abbott, spoke about the importance of supporting the science by business on the win to win basis. She introduced the winners of second edition of an all-Poland contest – New Era Propulsion – Piotr Oleksyk from Czakramy and Piotr Kosowski from The District Fire Department in Chrzanow. Both authors presented their  winning entries.

The event’s organizer – The Polish LPG Association, raises standards for invited speakers by the year, assuming that only a comprehensive perspective on the market, understanding both its limitations and  opportunities, enables to carry out a complete analysis and draw conclusions for the future.


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