



Turnover of UNIMOT for the last 10 months exceeded PLN one billion. Equally impressive are the quarterly results of the Group, which show that the profit obtained within 9 months was almost twice as high as a year ago.

UNIMOT has achieved record results. According to the information published in the current report, within 10 months the Company achieved the turnover in the amount of PLN 1 056 million. The quarterly report for the III quarter in turn shows that after 9 months the UNIMOT Group’s income from sales reached the level of PLN 925 million. This resulted in PLN 7,9 million of pure profit, that is almost twice as much as in the corresponding period of 2014.

– This was a great from the business perspective period for UNIMOT – summarizes Robert Brzozowski, President of the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A. – for three quarters we have been recording a growth of income, at the same time attaining a high dynamism of the profit on sales. For the first time in the history of UNIMOT we can boast an over one billion turnover, which we obtained within 10 months of activity. This shows how expansive  the development of the Company is.

In the III quarter of the current year the UNIMOT Group has recorded the growth of sales in all segments of its activity, while the highest share in the income constituted wholesale trade of Diesel oil – more than 60% of total sale.

– We are constantly developing the network of Diesel fuel sale – adds Robert Brzozowski – Currently we are putting great emphasis on the sales model for the final customer. We also consistently expand the number of bases that provide Diesel oil. Due to the growing demand, we are increasing supplies of Diesel oil imported by sea. We still maintain the position of the top distributor of LPG in southern Poland. In the III quarter we  recorded an improvement in margins in this segment.

The Group has been also developing wholesale of bio-fuels and bio-oils, which in the III quarter of the current year constituted  almost 22% of the share in sales. The Company has extended the sources of this fuel purchase.

In the natural gas segment in turn the Group has been continuing – through special purpose vehicles – activity in the scope of developing the distribution network and increasing the number of connected end customers.

– Achieving such good results for the last 9 months gave us a basis to increase financial forecasts for the year 2015 – comments Robert Brzozowski – Ultimately we assume that the Company will achieve a net profit of PLN 11 million , that is by 61% more than in the previous forecast. The expected value of  net profit on sales is PLN 1 100 million.

The Company informed about the change of forecasts in the current report nr 43/2015/

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