Investor Relations

Management Board

Adam Sikorski

President of the Management Board

Co-founder of the UNIMOT Capital Group (since 1992) – one of the largest private companies on the energy market in Poland.

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Robert Brzozowski

Vice-President of the Management Board

Robert Brzozowski is a graduate of the University of Gdansk. In the years 2000-03 he held the position of the Commercial and Marketing Director of ORLEN Morena Ltd, and for another two years he was a Commercial Director in LOTOS Marine.

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Filip Kuropatwa

Vice-President of the Management Board for Financial Affairs

Filip Kuropatwa has experience of 20 years on the financial markets, working previously at BWP Unibank and BRE Bank in the areas of monetary and foreign currency markets as well as commodity markets

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Michał Hojowski

Executive Vice President Energy Transformation

Michał Hojowski is a graduate of the Cracow University of Economics - Faculty of Finance, majoring in Finance and Banking.

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Aneta Szczesna-Kowalska

Executive Vice President HR

Aneta Szczesna-Kowalska has 25 years of professional experience in companies in various industries:
energy, logistics, manufacturing, telecommunications and finance.

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