Investor Relations

ESG Strategy

In March 2022, the UNIMOT Group ESG Strategy was adopted. The document is applicable to all Group companies with operations in the country. The ESG Strategy defines the Group’s approach to sustainable development. It presents a set of actions to be taken by the UNIMOT Group in terms of environmental protection, concern for society and the highest standards of corporate governance. Transparent actions taking into account environmental (including climate), social and management objectives are a priority for the Group.

The UNIMOT Group’s ESG strategy is based on five pillars (strategic objectives) relating to each of the main ESG areas: environment (“E” for “environment”), society (“S” for “social responsibility”) and corporate governance (“G” for “corporate governance”). Within the framework of the above pillars, the UNIMOT Group has defined twelve activities as a means of achieving the strategic objectives.



Strategic goals are implemented through the following tasks:


  1. Development of businesses based on renewable energy sources.
  2. Continuous implementation of the NCW and NCR obligations in accordance with the highest standards.
  3. Striving for neutrality in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scope 2).


  1. Improvement of management processes in the area of ​​environmental protection.
  2. In-depth analysis of climate risks and opportunities.


  1. Increased work safety.
  2. Continuous improvement of employees’ competences and commitment.
  3. Providing access to private health insurance and sports cards.


  1. Support for local communities.
  2. Supporting young talents and creating development opportunities for them.


  1. Building a culture of sustainable development in the organization.
  2. Introduction of the Business Partner Code.


Strategy in PDF version – PDF


Actions implemented under the Strategy also support selected UN Sustainable Development Goals