UNIMOT has put forward the issuance prospectus to the financial supervision authority.

Date of publication: 29.01.16


The UNIMOT Company has put forward the Issuance Prospectus to the Financial Supervision Authority. The Company plans to make a public offering in the II quarter, and the acquired funds will be used to continue its dynamic development.

In connection with the planned debut on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, on 29 January 2106 the UNIMOT Company put forward an issuance prospectus to the Financial Supervision Authority. UNIMOT S.A. applies for an authorization for trading on the regulated market for shares, currently listed on the New Connect market shares of I series issue and new issue shares of J series. The new issue shares in the amount of 4 million items will be offered to investors in the public offering. The Offeror is the Brockerage House of Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. The final date of the public offering is conditioned by approving the prospectus by the Committee of Financial Supervision.

– Putting forward the prospectus to the FSA we have entered the key period of the preparation of the UNIMOT S.A. to the public offering of shares and their listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange – claims Mr Robert Brzozowski, President of UNIMOT S.A. – This was one of the strategic goals of the Company, which we already announced 2 years ago. We are making every effort to be prepared to this moment, that is why in this process we are supported by our renowned partners – Brockerage House of BOŚ S.A. and The Law Firm CSW Więckowska i Partners Legal Advisers, and allStreet Ltd.

The aim of moving UNIMOT S.A. to the main floor is first of all acquiring the capital, which will make possible further expansion of the scope of our activity – adds Mr Brzozowski. – The presence on the WSE will increase prestige of the Company and strengthen its presence on the fuel and energy market. We hope that the investors will welcome the possibility of investing into the shares of the Company that has maintained growing sales results in the recent years, has outstanding financial results, and most importantly successfully enters new markets.

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