Date of publication: 22.08.14


2nd of September in Krynica Zdroj  will start the biggest economic and political conference in Central and Eastern Europe. UNIMOT GAZ SA will be a partner of this event and  Adam Sikorski representative of the Company will participate in one of the discussion panels.

This year, XXIV Economic Forum will take place from 2 to 4 September. Leading European politicians and intellectuals announced their participation . For the first time,   UNIMOT GAZ SA  will present as a partner on this largest economic conference. Sessions and meetings of the Economic Forum will be attended by representatives of the company: Adam Sikorski, Chairman of the Board and Robert Brzozowski, Project Manager. Adam Sikorski will be also one of the panelists of the international debate about the challenges facing the gas market. The panel discussion, entitled “Regional gas market – how to meet the global challenges?”, will be held on September 4 from 11.50 to 12.50 am. During this panel, following speakers will perform: Jan Mládek, Minister of Industry and Trade- Czech Republic, Jaroslaw Niewierowicz, Minister of  Energy Lithuania, Lachezar Matev Ambassador at Large for Energy- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria, Giovanni Federigo De Santi, Director of Institute for Energy and Transport of the EC Joint Research Centre, Tom Murphy Co-Director, Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research, Pennsylvania State University, USA. The discussion will be followed by Vytautas Nauduzas Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania.

The Economic Forum holds over 150 discussion panels, presentations and lectures run in a number of thematic groups. The motto of this year’s edition is “The Post-Crisis World: Time for New Leaders”, which is why debates will be devoted to challenges facing Europe in the upcoming years: the future of power engineering in the context of supply security and EU climate policy and searching for the new sources of economic growth .

The Economic Forum in Krynica Zdroj is the largest conference in Central and Eastern Europe. Every year Forum is organized at the beginning of September and brings more than 2,500 guests. These are political, economic and social leaders. During this year forum, will participate: presidents of the countries, heads of governments, ministers, EU commissioners, representatives of major corporations and analytical centers.

Forum in Krynica  is an excellent opportunity to debate and informal discussions during which politicians determine the level of trust in their countries needed to invest in business environments. At the same time , business representatives can present their observations and comments regarding economic policies implemented by governments and the European institutions.

The forum is organized since 1990.’s. Their founder and organizer is  Zygmunt Berdychowski ,who acts on behalf of the Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies. Since the beginning of Forum in Krynica, it is compared to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

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