Date of publication: 19.09.14


Company UNIMOT GAZ S.A. changed its name into Unimot S.A. This change is related to the expansion of business portfolio of the company.Unimot S.A, was introduced in accordance with the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders from  June 27 this year and after the registration of the Commercial Division of the National Court Register of District Court in Opole from 17 September. Other company data such as : NIP(tax payer identification number), Regon (the National (Official) Business Register), bank account numbers, telephone numbers and address remain unchanged.

The name change is due to the significant expansion of our business activities which now includes: biofuels and diesel fuel.

Company business has gone beyond the area of gas industry – says Przemyslaw Podgorski, CEO Unimot S.A. – Along with the Company development, we added to our offer  natural gas, biofuels and in the second quarter of this year we started wholesale diesel. Thanks to our SPVs and through our own installation, we are investing in infrastructure responsible for natural gas distribution and LNG production . In this particular case, change of company name is the culmination of a  transformation related to the crystallization of a new business concept. We would like to  give a clear signal to the market that UNIMOT SA it is not just a company from the gas industry but also dynamic multi energy group.

Taking into consideration, planned acquisition by the Company of a significant fuel sector from Unimot Express Sp. z . o. o, the convergence name will affect the global nature of the business, as well as to strengthen the market position of  UNIMOT .

Change the name of the Company does not entail any substantive legal consequences in relations with contractors or partners and does not affect the existing obligations of the Company.

In connection with the above, the Management Board of UNIMOT SA kindly asks all partners to use  new names on the  documents and correspondence issued for the  Company.

The Company ensures that will use every effort to perform all changes in less burdensome manner.

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