Investor Relations

UNIMOT and Blachotrapez together on the market of photovoltaics

Date of publication: 25.08.20


The company UNIMOT Energia i Gaz from the UNIMOT Capital Group has signed a cooperation agreement with Blachotrapez regarding joint actions on the market of solar panels installation.

On 19th August 2020 a cooperation agreement was signed in Warsaw between Blachotrapez, which is a leading Polish producer of roofing and cladding panels, and UNIMOT Energia i Gaz from the UNIMOT Capital Group, which is developing on the market sales of solar panels under the brand of AVIA Solar.

Creating the brand of AVIA Solar we decided to make use of our experience in sales of electricity and gas, and offer our customers a comprehensive, multiproduct offer of photovoltaic installations assembly, combined with energy storage, supplementing them with supplies of energy from the grid. – says Mr Andrzej Moczydłowski, Vice-President of the Management Board of UNIMOT Energia i Gaz. Our offer is dedicated both to business and individual customers. Although we are well-known among business customers, we possess a large database of contacts and also our own business consultants, we needed support from a strong partner that will help us reach effectively individual customers. Therefore, we decided to start the cooperation with Blachotrapez – adds Mr Andrzej Moczydłowski.

Being a leading company on the market of roofing we are aware of the fact that assembly of presently popular solar panels, which are mostly installed on roofs of buildings, is a market very close to us. It is worth mentioning that only on the Polish market itself our company sells over 50 000 of roofs a year, and in the whole of Europe this number exceeds 100 000. – says Mr Rafał Michalski, President of the Blachotrapez Capital Group.  For a long time we have been considering the best way to enter the business of photovoltaics. We have decided to seek for a partner with a strong brand on this market and which will make good use of our developed network of delivery outlets. We have decided that it will be UNIMOT Energia i Gaz as we believe in the AVIA Solar project and want to be part of it – adds Mr Rafał Michalski.

The photovoltaics market in Poland is estimated to reach until 2050 about PLN 50 billion. Within next 3 years we want UNIMOT Energia i Gaz from our Capital Group to become one of the leaders on this market and reach revenues at the level of PLN 276 million. – says Mr Adam Sikorski, President of the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A. To do so, we presently engage 50 salespersons and about 150 assembly teams. Expanding these human resources with the potential of the sales network of Blachotrapez will allow us to increase significantly the efficiency of acquiring new customers and in this way achieve the set goal – adds Mr Adam Sikorski.

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