Investor Relations

UNIMOT S.A. is extending the Management Board

Date of publication: 23.12.20


By the decision of the Supervisory Board of UNIMOT S.A. as of 1st January 2021 Mr Mikołaj Wierzbicki will be appointed into the Management Board of the Company for the position of Vice-President for Strategy and Development of the Capital Group . Mr Mikołaj Wierzbicki possesses experience of many years in managing capital groups and their finances, which he has acquired while working for Kopex Group and PKN Orlen Group, where holding the position of the Management Board Member he supervised the companies Orlen Gaz and Trzebina Refinery, and as a Member of the Supervisory Board he exercised owner’s supervision over the company Orlen Asfalt. Mr Mikołaj Wierzbicki also gained his experience in restructuring processes of large enterprises such as Ruch S.A. or Lead Ironworks and Refinery Orzeł Biały S.A.. Presently, at UNIMOT S.A. he will be in charge of coordinating the actions of the companies in the UNIMOT Capital Group as well as new investments into the segment related to Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

The UNIMOT Group has been growing successively. Around the company that is listed on the WSE we have accumulated 10 subsidiaries. We need a person who on behalf of the Management Board will supervise their operations and collaboration, this is going to be one of the tasks for the new Member of the Board – says Mr Andreas Golombek, President of the Supervisory Board of UNIMOT S.A. Another task will be concentrating on our investments into the RES segment. This year we begun to offer photovoltaic panels under the AVIA Solar brand, we have invested into projects of photovoltaic farms of the total capacity amounting to 108 MW, and next year we want to launch the production of our own PV panels. We also have ideas for next steps regarding actions on the RES market, and all these activities require control and owner’s supervision. It is the area where Mr Mikołaj Wierzbicki can use his large experience. I am convinced that he will prove to be a proper professional on this important to us position – adds Mr Andreas Golombek.

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