Investor Relations

Maciej Szozda the new President of the Management Board

Date of publication: 12.12.17


The Supervisory Board of UNIMOT S.A. appointed Mr Maciej Szozda, the former Vice-President of the Management Board of Lotos S.A. Group, as a new member of the Company’s Management Board and nominated him to the position of the President of the Management Board. The previous President – Mr Robert Brzozowski since 1st January will hold the position of the Vice-President of the Management Board for Commercial Affairs.

The UNIMOT Group significantly accelerates its development plans. At the meeting of the Company’s Supervisory Board on 11 December of the current year Mr Maciej Szozda was appointed a new member of the Company’s Management Board. By the decision of the Supervisory Board since 1st January 2018 Mr Maciej Szozda will take the position of the President of the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A., and the previous President – Mr Robert Brzozowski will hold the position of the Vice-President of the Management Board for Commercial Affairs.

– The change in the composition of the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A. is justified by ambitious plans that the Group has set for the years to come – explains Mr Adam Sikorski, the President of the Supervisory Board of UNIMOT S.A. – In accordance with earlier announcements UNIMOT is going to conduct an expansion of the AVIA brand not only on the Polish fuel market, but also abroad. The AVIA project has been very well received in our country, we can see its huge potential; 15 new fuel stations will be opened until the end of the year, and in 2018 we will intensify the development of the network. Mr Maciej Szozda has been cooperating with the Management Board of UNIMOT for some time in the scope of preparing the Group’s development strategy for next 3 years. We have recognized his strategic talent, detailed knowledge of the fuel market, and also extensive managerial knowledge and experience. Undoubtedly, he is the best expert of the Polish fuel market, therefore I am proud that it is him who will direct the development of the stations network under the AVIA brand. Simultaneously, the change of the responsibilities will allow the previous President – Mr Robert Brzozowski to coordinate a very important programme of joint petroleum products purchases under the AVIA brand, and develop the commercial activity of UNIMOT on a large, international scale. I am convinced that a combination of Mr Brzozowski’s competences on the wholesale market and the tremendous experience of Mr Szozda on the retail market will create the best tandem in the fuel industry in Poland – adds Adam Sikorski.

Let us remember that Mr Maciej Szozda held the post of the Vice-President of the Management Board of the Lotos S.A. Group for 7 last years. In the years 2009-16 he managed the whole of the activity of the Trade segment, and since 2015 the segment of Production and Trade of the Lotos S.A. Group. Earlier, since 2002 Mr Szozda worked for PKN Orlen S.A., where he occupied the positions of: Director of the Planning Bureau and Retail Network Development, Director of the Retail Network Development Bureau– Europe, being responsible for the foreign expansion of the retail network of PKN ORLEN and the Executive Director for Retail Sales.

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